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Database Relational List Advanced


I don't understand the database Query structure.

Suppose that you have two tables in a database that are related through a specific field. For example, the tables faq_categories and faq_questions:

A description of the fields:

Table faq_categories

id: the id of the categories.
category: the category name

Table faq_questions

id: the question's id
question: the question
answer: the answer to the question
category_id: the id of the category where the question is

The records of the table, faq_categories, are displayed in the main menu. So, the query is:

SELECT id alias value, category alias text FROM faq_categories

The "alias value" string, and the "alias text" are required to define the value and text for the menu options

The records of the table faq_questions are display in the subordinated menu, when an option is selected in the main menu. So, the query for the subordinated menu is:

SELECT id alias value, question alias text FROM faq_questions WHERE category_id=%s

The "alias value" string, and the "alias text", similar to the faq_categories query, are required to define the value and text for the menu options. Pay attention to the "WHERE" clause, "category_id=%s". The string "%s" will be replaced, in execution time, by the id of the category selected in the main menu.

The Database Relational List is not working in the Live Preview.

The Database Relational List reads the menu options from a MySQL database, using PHP Script in the server side, to interact with the database. Be sure that you have the website defined correctly in the Adobe Dreamweaver application, with access to the database server and the web server with the PHP Script enabled.

Besides you can to publish the web page modified, and the db_relationallist folder to your public web server to check the Database Relational List in online mode.

I have changed the authentication data of my database server. How I can to update the Database Relational List to connect to the database?

After complete the insertion process of the Database Relational List a connection file is generated in "db_relationallist_advanced/connections". A connection file is generated for every pair of related menus. The connection file content is similar to the text below:

$hostname = "hostname or IP";
$database = "database name";
$username = "authentication user name";
$password = "authentication password";

You only must to update, in the connection file, the data modified in the database server.

The menu displays the text "loading..." but the options are never loaded?

The most common mistakes in the query entering are related with the clause "WHERE". The %s string is used as wildcard to be replaced by the correct value received from the web page.

Is very important that you know the data type of the field used for filter the database rows, if the data type of the fields is "CHAR", "VARCHAR", "DATE", "DATETIME" or another type represented as text, you must to enter the %s with the symbol (') around, as below:

SELECT id as value, name as text FROM users WHERE surname='%s'

When I double click the MXP file I'm getting this error: "Extension requires more recent version of Macromedia Extension Manager". How can I solve this?

Download the most recent version of the Adobe/Macromedia Extension Manager or the version related to your Dreamweaver version:


After installed open the MXP file from the Extension Manager menu to be sure that you are installing the extension using the correct Extension Manager.

I have problems while downloading the file. How can I download it?

If you purchased the product using Google Checkout, the instructions for accessing your purchase will appear in a yellow box at the top of your Order Receipt page (into your Google Checkout account):

After accessing that link you will get a copy of the product and a copy of the download link will be sent to your email address. If you have not received the email, please check your spam/bulk mail folder.

If you lost both download links, please contact our support service and we will send you a new download link. Please include the email used for payment in your message;

I don't have a credit card. Are there alternative payment options?

We accept Paypal and MoneyBookers, both services allow (indirect) payments through bank transfers.

Moneybookers is accepted in almost all countries.

Do you offer a multi-domain license?

All extensions have an unlimited domain license. You can use them in all your web sites.

I'm getting this error message "Is not possible to create data structure.". What's happening?

Please, change the "Links relative to" setting in the site configuration options (Dreamweaver 8 or later).

If this setting does not solve the problem, then follow these steps:

  1. Restart Dreamweaver
  2. Be sure that you have a local web site defined in Dreamweaver
  3. Open the page where you want to insert the extension(this page must be saved previously into your web site)
  4. Try to insert the extension again

Can I pay using my credit card ?

Yes, Paypal allows you to pay directly using your credit card.

We also accept MoneyBookers (accepts credit cards when uploading funds).

Can I use these extensions with MACs ?

Yes, you can. These extensions are tested in all actual browsers and used from Dreamweaver on both platforms, PC and MAC.

I have downloaded the new program, but cannot seem to access it from the command panel.

Did you restart Dreamweaver after double clicking the MXP file? Please remember to restart Dreamweaver after double clicking the MXP file.

I'm getting this message "Please define your site first.". What I should do?

It's required to define a working site in Dreamweaver because Dreamweaver needs to know where to place the files.

Download here a PDF document with help about defining a site in Dreamweaver.

This extension works with Dreamweaver CC?

Yes, all our extensions are compatible with the most recent Dreamweaver versions, including Dreamweaver MX, Dreamweaver MX 2004, Dreamweaver 8, Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4 and Dreamweaver CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC 2014 .. CC 2019.

When I preview my web page after I get this message in my Internet Explorer,"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted...". What is the problem?

If you are testing your page directly from your local hard disk in IE 7, this message appears:

"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here for options."

In IE 7 this message appears when you test a web page that contains a script or Flash item directly form your local hard disk. When you upload your page to an online web server that message does not appear.

The address from a web server must start with http:// or https:// . On the other hand if the address starts with C:\ or file:// then you are testing it from your local hard disk.

Just upload your web page to your web site and you will see that the error disappears.

Note about sales taxes.

No sales tax is charged when you purchase via PayPal. You can order via PayPal with a credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account. PayPal's status as a financial institution exempts PayPal orders from sales tax. CodePeople will be the retailer of record. CodePeople is based in Switzerland and does not have any US sales tax obligations.

I'm getting this error: "TypeError: THE_DOM has no properties" . There is a workaround?

Please follow these steps:
  1. Check if  you have defined a local web site at dreamweaver.
  2. Check if you have saved the page into your local web site.
  3. If you are using Dreamweaver templates, check if your templates allow an "Editable Region" in the <HEAD> section of the HTML code.
  4. Mark the "Use case-sensitive link checking" option in the site settings and recreate your site cache.
  5. After these checks, please restart your Dreamweaver and try again.
If the above actions don’t solve the problem, then probably the reason is a wrong HTML structure in the page that you are trying to use the product, in this case, please check the page’s HTML structure and if you cannot find the problem then contact our support service.

I'm getting the error "Can't update menus. Extension will not be installed". What is the solution?

That's due to a bug in the Adobe Extension Manager that sometimes corrupts the "Menus.xml" file. That file can be found in the following location:

Windows users: C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver [version]\Configuration\Menus\menus.xml

Mac users: HD:Users:username:Library: Application Support:Macromedia:Dreamweaver [version]:Configuration:Menus:Menus.xml

To fix this problem close your Dreamweaver and try the following:

  1. Un-install all your extensions and then re-install them one at a time. This will work in most cases.
  2. If the above doesn't work then delete the "Menus.xml" file. After this you will need to disable and enable your extensions in order to get the menu entries again.
  3. If none of the above works then there is more than one file corrupted, the solution in this case will be to completely uninstall Dreamweaver and reinstall it again.

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